
St FrancisChurch of England Primary School

Together in God's love, we care, trust and respect.

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New Year R 2024-25

Welcome to Year R! 

We are so excited to meet you all. In this folder you will find the presentation that we gave on Wednesday 15th May along with the forms given out at this meeting. Please return this form to the office by 31st May. We have also created a transition booklet that you can look through with your child. This has also been sent to your child's nursery/pre-school.


Under the tabs 'Children' - 'Video Resource Centre' you will find some videos that will help prepare your child for starting school.


Key Dates

New Year R Parents Meeting Presentation

Transition Booklet


The school office holds a stock of cardigans, sweatshirts, fleeces and PE kits which can be ordered through the admin team.


If you wish to order any item from the school office, please complete the form giving full details of your order.


Once the office have received the form, the admin team will notify you the amount to be paid. 


Once payment has been received the admin team will let you know when to organise collection directly from the school office.
