Admissions Information
The catchment area of St Francis CE Primary School is the parish of Valley Park. This includes all houses that have a Valley Park address. Some addresses on the estate fall within both St Francis CE Primary School and Knightwood Primary School catchment area and therefore have two catchment schools.
Hampshire County Council Admissions Guidance
To apply for a place in Year R, please visit Hampshire County Council Admissions pages for more information: Applying for a reception place
Please also see below for our school's admission policies, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
In-Year Applications
All in-year applications from 01 September to 31 August must be made through Hampshire County Council's admissions portal.
You can find more information here: Applying for a school place in-year
Hampshire Admissions Portal: Make an in-year application here
If you would prefer a hard copy, please contact our admin team on 02380 271178, who will be happy to help.
If you are applying on faith criteria, please also ensure you complete a Supplementary Information Form. This can be found in the documents links below, or our admin team will be happy to provide a hard copy upon request.
We always aim to notify parents of the outcome of their applications, including details of your right to appeal, within 10 school days. You will hear within 15 school days.
Please be aware, if your child is not successful in gaining a place, your child’s name will be automatically placed on the waiting list and will remain on it until 31 August, at which point the waiting list will close..
Our published admission number (PAN) for Year R in 2023-2024 is 54.
From September 2024 our PAN is 45 for Year R.
Our operational admissions numbers for other year groups are as follows:
Year 1 - 30
Year 2 - 60
Year 3 - 64
Year 4 - 64
Year 5 - 64
Year 6 - 64
For any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our school office, who will be happy to answer your questions.