In God's love we care, trust and respect
Our vision is a community characterised by a deep passion and belief for everyone to thrive, rooted in our Christian ethos of belonging. Through sharing in God’s love, we enable all to grow, learn and flourish as individuals, becoming role models for our Christian values within our community and equipping us to follow and lead in the light of God through our journey within and beyond our school to enrich ours, and others’ lives.
This values statement is integral to our daily lives here at St Francis CE Primary School. We reflect on these core Christian values in worship, reflection time and throughout our curriculum and they underpin our School Charter.
Our values have been developed and are shared by the whole school community. They are central to what we believe within the school and they permeate our daily lives including our work and our relationships.
The School's values underpin the belief that we are all God's people and that we all matter. Everyone within our school community should be valued and treated with love and respect, and each of us has the right to grow and become the best that we can.
We each have a responsibility to show respect and tolerance towards one another. With the values of care, trust and respect and our belief in trying our best, our children are helped to prepare for their lifelong learning journeys, within the loving guidance that God gives us.
God's love
The key value that Christian foundations are built upon, God's love lies at the root of all other values. It means that we show goodwill towards one another. This translates to an ethos of care and concern throughout the school community.
We recognise that God the Father has show His love to us through the Trinity of His guidance as our Father, the sacrifice of His body through His son, Jesus Christ, and through the persistence of His Holy Spirit. When we show His love to others, God lives in us.
Just as God shares with us His love through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so our values for a trinity bound together by His love.